The University of Arizona

Advancing Climate Adaptation and Resliency Planning in Flagstaff | CLIMAS


Advancing Climate Adaptation and Resliency Planning in Flagstaff

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Flagstaff City Manager’s office in collaboration with CLIMAS at the University of Arizona and the Decision Center for a Desert City at Arizona State University will lead a workshop with the Police Department and the Streets section of the Public Works Department to develop performance measure for climate adaptation that these departments can use in future budget preparations and strategic planning.  The workshop will build on Flagstaff’s Resiliency and Preparedness Study (RPS) and the policies adopted by the Flagstaff City Council. The workshop will be divided into two parts. The first section will include expert presentations on topics that will inform the second Part.  After part 1, participants for police and public works departments will be split up and lead through a series of progressive discussions that aim to:

  • Identify climate risks pertaining to the department
  • Identify short and long-term strategies to deal with those risks
  • Develop planning/implementing actions related to the viable strategies
  • Identify ways to measure the success of the actions
  • Identify viable performance measures of the actions

The discussion sessions will focus on vulnerabilities and risks identified in the RPS and that fall under the purview of Police and Public Works. These include emergency services, forest management, public health, transportation infrastructure, and storm water infrastructure. 

The goal of the workshop will be for participants to develop climate adaptation performance measures in their respective departments.  While this effort is not meant to be comprehensive, the intent is to identify viable climate adaptation actions that can be evaluated for each of the departments and demonstrate a method for doing so that can be applied to other departments within the Flagstaff City Manager’s office.