Found 745 results
The contribution of physical exertion to heat-related illness and death in the Arizona borderlands. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 46.
, 2023. Designing Chill City: An interactive game supporting public learning about urban planning for extreme heat. The Journal of Environmental Education, 54(3).
, 2023. , 2023.
, 2023.
How do streetcar transit users and streetcar decision-makers perceive heat risk?. Journal of Public Transportation, 25.
, 2023. Public Engagement on Weather and Climate with a Monsoon Fantasy Forecasting Game. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(1).
, 2023. , 2023.
Stakeholder engagement in the co-production of knowledge for environmental decision-making. World Development, 170.
, 2023. Strengthening Equitable Community Resilience: Criteria and Guiding Principles for the Gulf Research Program's Enhancing Community Resilience (EnCoRe) Initiative, Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
, 2023. Urban heat governance: examining the role of urban planning. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning , 25(5).
, 2023. Assessment of the Contribution of Local and Regional Biomass Burning on PM2.5 in New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Area. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 22(9).
, 2022. , 2022.
Colorado Basin Incentive-Based Urban Water Policies: Review and Evaluation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58(6).
, 2022. Development of a new UAV-thermal imaging based model for estimating pecan evapotranspiration. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 194.
, 2022. Global Warming’s Six MTurks: A Secondary Analysis of a US-Based Online Crowdsourcing Market. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14).
, 2022. Greening Up For Mosquitoes: A Comparison of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in a Semiarid Region. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 38(2).
, 2022. Guide to Southwest U.S. Station Climate Summaries, University of Arizona - Cooperative Extension.
, 2022. Large-scale citizen science programs can support ecological and climate change assessments. Environmental Research Letters, 17(6).
, 2022. Leveraging university resources to build awareness, support regional food policy, and disrupt dominant narratives guiding food-based development. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(3).
, 2022. Making a Difference: Planning for Engaged Participation in Environmental Research. Environmental Management.
, 2022. Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard for Heat, American Planning Association.
, 2022. Planning for Urban Heat Resilience, American Planning Association.
, 2022. Tree Rings Reveal Unmatched 2nd Century Drought in the Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(11).
, 2022. Using scale and human agency to frame ranchers’ discussions about socio-ecological change and resilience. Journal of Rural Studies, 96.
, 2022. Assessing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Southern Arizona - State of the Tucson Food System Report, Tucson: Center for Regional Food Studies.
, 2021. Assessing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Southern Arizona - Executive Summary - State of the Tucson Food System, Tucson: Center for Regional Food Studies.
, 2021. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2020-2021, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest.
, 2021. Climate Profile for the Upper Santa Cruz River Watershed, Tucson: Climate Assessment for the Southwest.
, 2021. Equity and justice as central components of climate change adaptation. One Earth, 4, pp.1373-1374.
, 2021. Evaluating socially engaged climate research: Scientists’ visions of a climate resilient US Southwest. Research Evaluation, 30(1), pp.26-38.
, 2021. Expanded Ethical Principles for Research Partnership and Transdisciplinary Natural Resource Management Science. Environmental Management, 68, pp.453–467.
, 2021. Automated Detection of Dust Storms from Ground-Based Weather Station Imagery Using Neural Network Classification. New Mexico State University.
, 2020. Bud Break at Buhl Memorial Vineyard, 2016-2020, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS).
, 2020. , 2020.
Building capacity for societally engaged climate science by transforming science training. Environmental Research Letters, 15, p.125008.
, 2020. , 2020.
, 2020.
Discovering the Quality of Harvested Rainwater, Tucson: CLIMAS.
, 2020. , 2020.
, 2020.
, 2020.
, 2020.
Review of the 2019 Winegrape Growing Season in Arizona, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS).
, 2020. Assessing Policy Innovation: Climate Action Planning in the U.S. Southwest. University of Arizona.
, 2019. , 2019.
Climate Policies as Water Policies. In Applied Methods for Agriculture and Natural Resource Management.
, 2019. , 2019.
, 2019.
Econometric Analysis of the Arizona Alfalfa Market. University of Arizona.
, 2019. , 2019.
Evaluating Effectiveness in Climate Change Adaptation and Socially-Engaged Climate Research. University of Arizona.
, 2019. , 2019.
, 2019.
Recreation Visits to Lake Mead and Glen Canyon National Recreation Areas: A Replication Study. University of Arizona.
, 2019. , 2019.
Urban Heat Island Maps and decision-making, Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS).
, 2019. , 2019.
, 2019.
, 2018.
Climate risk management and the electricity sector. Climate Risk Management, 19, pp.12-22.
, 2018. , 2018.
Contribution of On-Farm Agriculture and Agribusiness to the Pinal County Economy, Tucson: The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.
, 2018. Evaluating Gravity-Flow Irrigation with Lessons from Yuma, Arizona, USA. Sustainability, 10(5).
, 2018. The influence of Colorado River flows on the upper Gulf of California fisheries economy. Ecological Engineering.
, 2018. Investigating Runoff Efficiency in Upper Colorado River Streamflow Over Past Centuries. Water Resources Research .
, 2018. Monitoring Precipitation on Rangelands: Tools, Strategies, and Best Practices. 40th Annual Arizona/Utah Range Livestock Workshop and Tour.
, 2018. , 2018.
, 2018.
To co-produce or not to co-produce. Nature Sustainability.
, 2018. , 2018.
Tribal Economies: Water Settlements, Agriculture, and Gaming in the Western U.S. Contemporary Water Research and Education, 163(1).
, 2018. Tribal Innovations in Western Water Management. Western Economics Forum, 16(1), pp.38-46.
, 2018. Water Transactions for Streamflow Restoration, Water Supply Reliability, and Rural Economic Vitality in the Western United States. The American Water Resources Association, 54(2).
, 2018. Water Use and Climate Effects on Farm Profitability in the Colorado Basin. University of Arizona.
, 2018. Aedes aegypti abundance model improved with relative humidity and precipitation-driven egg hatching. Journal of Medical Entomology.
, 2017. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2016-2017, Tucson: Institute of the Environment.
, 2017. , 2017.
Climate Services for Coping with Climate Change, Drought, and Extreme Heat in the México-U.S. Border Region. In La Cuenca Del Rio Conchos: Una Mirada Desde Las Ciencias Ante El Cambio Climatico. Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico: Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, pp. 23-57.
, 2017. , 2017.
County-level climate change information to support decision-making on working lands. Climatic Change, 148(3), pp.pp 335-369.
, 2017. , 2017.
Discerning “Flavors” of Drought Using Climate Extremes Indices. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56, pp.989-1001.
, 2017. , 2017.
Drought Monitoring to Support Planning for the Hopi Tribe: Final Report 2010-2016, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2017. DroughtView: Satellite-based Drought Monitoring and Assessment, Arizona Cooperative Extension.
, 2017. Effect of temperature thresholds on modeled Aedes aegypti population dynamics. Journal of Medical Entomology.
, 2017. El Desarrollo de Centrales Hidroeléctricas en el Territorio de las Comunidades Mapuche-Williche de la Cuenca del Lago Ranco y Lago Maihue Puelwillimapu, Tucson: Climate Assessment for the Southwest.
, 2017. An Ethnohistory of the NOAA RISA Program, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2017. Evidence that recent warming is reducing upper Colorado River Flows. Earth Interactions, 21.
, 2017. Household Water Demand Seasonal Elasticities: A Stone-Geary Model under an Increasing Block Rate Structure. Land Economics, 93(4), pp.608-630.
, 2017. , 2017.
, 2017.
NIHHIS Rio Grande-Rio Bravo 2017 Summer Meeting: Evaluation, Knowledge Sharing, and Next Steps Summary, Tucson, AZ: Institute of the Environment.
, 2017. NIHHIS Southwest Regional Pilot: 2017 Winter Work Streams Meeting Summary, Tucson, AZ: Institute of the Environment.
, 2017. , 2017.
Solar Program Report: A restorative economy program case study, Tucson: CLIMAS.
, 2017. Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Cotton Acreage Abandonment Case Study of Selected Counties in the US Cotton Belt. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings.
, 2017. Valuing environmental flows in Mexico’s Colorado River Delta. Water Economics and Policy, 3(2), p.1650035.
, 2017. Vegetation productivity responses to drought on tribal lands in the Four Corners region of the Southwest. U.S. Frontiers of Earth Science.
, 2017. Water Trading Innovations: Reducing Agricultural Consumptive Use to Improve Adaptation to Scarcity. In Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Cambridge, MA: Elsevier Publishing, pp. 317-331.
, 2017. , 2016.
, 2016.
Better coverage of Arizona’s weather and climate: Gridded datasets of daily surface meteorological variables. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication, AZ1704.
, 2016. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2015-2016, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2016. Climate Change & Poetry, Tucson: CLIMAS.
, 2016. Climate in Context: Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation, New Jersey: Wiley Ltd. & Sons.
, 2016. Cultural and Recreational Values for Environmental Flows in Mexico’s Colorado River Delta. Water Economics and Policy, (1650035).
, 2016. , 2016.
Divergent responses of vegetation cover in Southwestern U.S. ecosystems to dry and wet years at different elevations. Environmental Research Letters, 11, p.124005.
, 2016. Economic Impact of Cooperative Extension Efforts in Rangeland Management for Northern Arizona Ranching Allotment. Working Paper, Tucson, AZ: Arizona Cooperative Extension.
, 2016. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Arizona Water Resource - Water Resources Research Center Quarterly Newsletter, 24(2), p.9.
, 2016. Evaluation to Advance Science Policy: Lessons from Pacific RISA and CLIMAS. In Climate in Context: Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation. New Jersey: Wiley Ltd. & Sons, pp. 215-233.
, 2016. , 2016.
Geopotential Height Patterns at 500mb Associated with Major Dust Storms in the United States/Mexico Border Region During January-May of 2011-2014. Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University.
, 2016. Groups co-developing approaches to improve planning for drought on public lands, Part III. DroughtScape, (Summer).
, 2016. Improving the Federal Response to Western Drought: Five Areas for Reform, San Francisco, CA: Public Policy Institute of California.
, 2016. Increasing influence of air temperature on upper Colorado River streamflow. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(5), pp.2174–2181.
, 2016. , 2016.
Preparing for High-Consequence, Low-Probability Events: Heat, Water & Energy in the Southwest, Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona.
, 2016. , 2016.
Rain gauges to range conditions: Collaborative development of a drought information system to support local decision making. Weather, Climate and Society, 8, pp.345-359.
, 2016. Reconstructions of Columbia River streamflow from tree ring chronologies in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 52(5), pp.1121-1141.
, 2016. Southwest climate gap: Poverty and environmental justice in the U.S. Southwest. Local Environment: The International journal of Justice and Sustainability , 21(11), pp.1332-1353.
, 2016. Three Millennia of Southwestern North American Dustiness and Future Implications. PLOS ONE , 11(2), p.e0149573.
, 2016. , 2016.
Trends and patterns of water use in cotton production. Beltwide Cotton Conferences.
, 2016. , 2016.
Using climate data to proactively manage drought in the Southwest. The 38th Annual Arizona/Utah Range Livestock Workshop and Tour.
, 2016. Water linkages beyond the farm gate: Implications for agriculture. Federal Reserve Bank Economic Review, pp.47-73.
, 2016. Water Trading Innovations: Reducing Agricultural Consumptive Use to Improve Adaptation to Scarcity. In Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe.
, 2016. Where do seasonal climate predictions belong in the drought management toolbox?. Rangelands, 38, pp.169-176.
, 2016. 2014 Climate and Society Fellows Final Report: Climatic Sensitivities of Navajo Forestlands, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2015. 2014 Climate and Society Fellows Report: Achieving Scientific Literacy in the Classroom, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2015. 2014 Climate and Society Fellows Report: Cultivating a Climate of Cave Conservation Awareness, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2015. , 2015.
Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2014-2015, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2015. Climate Change Impacts on High Elevation Saguaro Range Expansion. Journal of Arid Environments , 116, pp.57-62.
, 2015. Climate Extremes Data and Communication Products for Western Adaptation Alliance Cities in the Intermountain Southwest, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest.
, 2015. Come Hell Or High Water Prices: A Household-Level Analysis Of Residential Water Demand. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona.
, 2015. Designing Institutions to Support Local-Level Climate Change Adaptation: Insights from a Case Study of the U.S. Cooperative Extension System. Weather, Climate, and Society, 7(1), pp.18-38.
, 2015. Developing Sustainability Metrics for Water Use in Arizona Small Grain Production Final Report to the Arizona Grain Research and Promotion Council, Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Department of Agriculture.
, 2015. The economic contribution of agriculture in Yuma County. In A Case Study in Efficiency – Agriculture and Water Use in the Yuma, Arizona Area.
, 2015. Extreme Heat Toolkit, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest.
, 2015. Extreme Weather Events and Vector-borne Diseases. In Handbook of Public Health in Natural Disasters: Nutrition, Food, Remediation and Preparation. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 489-512.
, 2015. Hopi Climate: An Overview to Support Drought Monitoring and Management, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2015. Managing Climate Risks through Water Trading. In Routledge Handbook of Water Economics and Institutions. New York: Routledge.
, 2015. Moving Toward the Deliberate Co-Production of Climate Science Knowledge. Weather Climate and Society, 7, pp.179-191.
, 2015. Navigating a Pathway toward Colorado’s Water Future: A Review and Recommendations on Colorado’s Draft Water Pla, Boulder, CO: Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment, University of Colorado Law School. .
, 2015. Particulate dust emission factors from unpaved roads in the U.S.-Mexico border semi-arid region. Journal of Arid Environments, 124, pp.189-192.
, 2015. Projection of climate change influences on U.S. West Nile virus vectors. Earth Interactions, 19(18), pp.1-18.
, 2015. Transdisciplinary Climate Research to Support Decision Making. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2015. Water, Agriculture, and Drought in the West Under Changing Climate and Policy Regimes. Natural Resources Journal , 55, pp.293-328.
, 2015. 2014 National Climate Assessment: Southwest Region. In Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment. Washington, DC: U.S. Global Change Research Program, pp. 462-486.
, 2014. Air pollution and hospital emergency room and admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Environmental Research, (129), pp.39-46.
, 2014. City of Phoenix Cool Urban Spaces Project on Urban Forestry and Cool Roofs: Assessment of Heat Mitigation Strategies in Phoenix, Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University.
, 2014. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2013 - 2014, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2014. Climate, Windstorms, and the Risk of Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis). In The Influence of Global Environmental Change on Infectious Disease Dynamics. . Washington, DC: National Academies Press, pp. 266-282.
, 2014. Designing institutions to support local level climate change adaptation: Insights from a case study of the U.S. Cooperative Extension System. Weather, Climate, and Society , 7(1), pp.18-38.
, 2014. Dominant patterns of US warm season precipitation variability in a fine resolution observational record, with focus on the southwest. International Journal of Climatology, 34(3), pp.687-707.
, 2014. Fostering Conducive Conditions for Climate Assessments: Collaborative Scenario Planning and the Colorado River Basin Study. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona.
, 2014. Invasive Species Control Optimization as a Dynamic Spatial Process: An Application to Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) in Arizona. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 7(1), pp.132-146.
, 2014. Linking Environmental Research and Practice: Lessons from the Integration of Climate Science and Water Management in the Western United States, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2014. Planning for Change in Southern Arizona: A report from the Southern Arizona Regional Climate Summit for Municipal Leaders, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2014. Potential Changes in Future Regional Climate and Related Impacts: A Brief Report for the Central New Mexico Climate Change Scenario Planning Project, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2014. The role of economics in transboundary restoration water management in the Colorado River Delta. Water Resources and Economics , 8, pp.43-56.
, 2014. Supply Reliability Under Climate Change: Forbearance Agreements and Measurement of Water Conserved. In Water Markets for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Springer.
, 2014. The art of adaptation: Living with climate change in the rural American Southwest. Global Environmental Change, 23(6), pp.1830–1840.
, 2013. Artículo de investigación, material particulado dispersado al aire en areas sin asfalto en Ciudad Juarez. Ciencia en la frontera: revista d ciencia y technologia de la UACJ, XI, pp.9-14.
, 2013. Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment, Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
, 2013. Assessment of the Contribution of Wildfires on Ozone Concentrations in the Central US-Mexico Border Region. Journal of Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 13(3), pp.838-848.
, 2013. Chp 1: Summary for Decision Makers. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment. Washington, DC: Island Press.
, 2013. Chp 11: Agriculture and Ranching. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, pp. 218-239.
, 2013. Chp 15: Human Health. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, pp. 312-340.
, 2013. Chp 16: Climate Change and U.S.-Mexico Border Communities. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, pp. 340-384.
, 2013. Chp 2: Overview. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, pp. 21-36.
, 2013. Chp 7: Future Climate: Projected Extremes. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, pp. 126-147.
, 2013. Climate and choice of irrigation technology: implications for climate adaptation. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 5(2-3), pp.107-127.
, 2013. Climate and Dengue Transmission: Evidence and Implications. Environmental Health Perspectives, 121, pp.1264–1272.
, 2013. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2012 - 2013, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2013. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Phase III Final Report for Funding Years 2007 - 2013, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2013. Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Implications for Agriculture and Water Resources. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 151(1), pp.27-42.
, 2013. Climate Science: The challenge of hot drought. Nature, 503(7476), pp.350-351.
, 2013. The Continuum of Hydroclimate Variability in Western North America during the Last Millennium. Journal of Climate, 26(16), pp.5863-5878.
, 2013. Dramatic response to climate change in the Southwest: Robert Whittaker's 1963 Arizona Mountain plant transect revisited. Ecology and Evolution, 3(10), pp.3307-3319.
, 2013. Drought Monitoring with Remote Sensing Based Land Surface Phenology Applications and Validation. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2013. Drought on the Rio Grande. Rural Connections, 7(1), pp.7-10.
, 2013. Editorial: Rethinking integrated assessments and management projects in the Americas. Environmental Science & Policy, 26, pp.1-5.
, 2013. Farm and Ecological Resilience to Water Supply Variability. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 151(1), pp.70-83.
, 2013. Field of Dreams or Dream Team? Assessing Two Models for Drought Impact Reporting in the Semiarid Southwest. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94(10), pp.1507–1517.
, 2013. , 2013.
Helping a Community Develop a Drought Impacts Reporting System. Rural Connections, 7(1), pp.15-18.
, 2013. How would an extra month of 100-plusdegree days feel?. Arizona Daily Star.
, 2013. Increased health woes among climate change impacts. Southwest Climate Outlook, 12(1), pp.3-5.
, 2013. Informing Decisions with a Climate Synthesis Product: Implications for Regional Climate Services. Weather, Climate, and Society, 5(1), pp.83-92.
, 2013. Invasive Species Control Based on a Cooperative Game. Applied Mathematics, 4(10B), pp.54-59.
, 2013. The Missing Piece: Drought Impacts Monitoring, Carolinas Integrated Sciences & Assessments Program and the Climate Assessment for the Southwest.
, 2013. The New Normal. Southwest Climate Outlook, 12(4), pp.3-4.
, 2013. Planning River Restoration in a Changing Climate. Merging Science and Management in a Rapidly Changing World: Biodiversity and Management of the Madrean Archielago, 593.
, 2013. Prioritizing Environmental Water Acquisitions: Making the Most of Program Budgets, Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2013. Ranching with Drought in the Southwest: Conditions, Challenges, and a Process to Meet the Challenges, Santa Rita Experimental Range, Arizona.
, 2013. Recent freeze events: Natural variability or weird weather?. Southwest Climate Outlook, 12(3), pp.3-5.
, 2013. Regional and seasonal response of a West Nile virus vector to climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(39), pp.15620–15625.
, 2013. River Forecast Application for Water Management: Oil and Water?. Weather, Climate & Society, 5(3), pp.244-253.
, 2013. Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, cool-season precipitation reconstructed from earlywood width of Abies concolor tree rings. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 118(4), pp.1660-1673.
, 2013. A Simplified high resolution MODIS Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm (SARA) for use over mixed surfaces. Remote Sensing of Environment, 136, pp.135-145.
, 2013. Southwest must make choices about future climate. Southwest Climate Outlook, 12(2), pp.3-5.
, 2013. Summary for Decision Makers. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
, 2013. Technical Review of the Navajo Nation Drought Contingency Plan - Drought Monitoring , Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2013. Temporal Patterns in Species Flowering in Sky Islands of the Sonoran Desert Ecoregion. Merging Science and Management in a Rapidly Changing World: Biodiversity and Management of the Madrean Archielago, 593.
, 2013. Transboundary adaptive management to reduce climate-change vulnerability in the western U.S.-Mexico border region. Environmental Science & Policy, 26, pp.102-112.
, 2013. US Climate Variability & Predictability Program Science Plan, Washington, DC: US CLIVAR Project Office.
, 2013. Use of weather information for agricultural decision making. Weather, Climate & Society, 5, pp.55-69.
, 2013. Water Requirements for Large-Scale Solar Energy Projects in the West. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 151(1), pp.106-116.
, 2013. Water Security and Adaptive Management in the Arid Americas. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(2), pp.280-289.
, 2013. The 2012 Monsoon Forecast: A Case for Optimism. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(6), pp.3-5.
, 2012. Accelerating Adaptation of Natural Resource Management to Address Climate Change. Conservation Biology, 27(1), pp.4-13.
, 2012. Agricultural Water Demand Along the Lower Colorado River Mainstem: Developing and Testing a Three-Model Approach for Econometric Analysis. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2012. Americans’ Perspectives on the Link between Extreme Events and Climate Change. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(5), pp.3-5.
, 2012. Cinnamon Snow: Flecks of Dust Alter Western Water Supplies. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(4), pp.3-5.
, 2012. Climate and Environmental Influences on the Ecology of Vectors and Vector-borne Diseases. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2012. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2011 - 2012, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2012. Climate Change Challenges and Solutions for Water Managers. In Shared Broders, Shared Waters. CRC Press, p. 320.
, 2012. Climatic Limits on Foliar Growth During Major Droughts in the Southwestern USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(G3), p.G03031.
, 2012. Coping with Drought on the Rio Grande. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(8), pp.3-5.
, 2012. The Costs of Drought on the Rio Grande. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(9), pp.3-5.
, 2012. Disaster Assistance and Crop Insurance Participation in the US. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s Annual Meeting.
, 2012. Discourse and Desalination: Potential Impacts of Proposed Climate Change Adaptation Interventions in the Arizona-Sonora Border Region. Global Environmental Change, 22(2), pp.353-363.
, 2012. Droughts, Megadroughts, and More: A Conversation with Jonathan Overpeck. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(7), pp.3-5.
, 2012. ENSO-Neutral: Another Dry Winter?. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(11), pp.3-5.
, 2012. , 2012.
Environmental Flows: A CVM Study and Water Market Activity Analysis. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2012. Evaluating Our Capacity: A Discussion of Capability for Ongoing Climate Assessment in the Colorado River Basin, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2012. Farm Resilience to Water Supply Variability: An Econometric Analysis of Risk Management Strategies in the Mexicali Valley, Mexico. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2012. Farm size, Irrigation Practices, and Conservation Program Participation in the U.S. Southwest. Irrigation and Drainage, 61, pp.569 – 582.
, 2012. Less Water: How Will Agriculture in Southern Mountain States Adapt?. Water Resources Research, 48.
, 2012. Mapping land cover in urban residential landscapes using very high spatial resolution aerial photographs. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 11(3), pp.291-301.
, 2012. The MJO and a Tale of Two Winters. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(2), pp.3-5.
, 2012. , 2012.
National Seasonal Assessment Workshop: Eastern, Southern, & Southwest Geographic Areas. National Seasonal Assessment Workshops for Fire Potential.
, 2012. Reconstructed Cool and Warm Season Precipitation Over the Tribal Lands of Northeastern Arizona. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
, 2012. Reconstructed cool- and warm-season precipitation over the tribal lands of northeastern Arizona. Climatic Change, 118, pp.457-468.
, 2012. Responding to Climate Change Impacts in the Sky Island Region: From Planning to Action Merging science and management in a rapidly changing world: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago III.
, 2012. Warmer Led to Drier: Dissecting the 2011 Drought in the Southern U.S. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(3), pp.3-5.
, 2012. Water Budget Calculator Created for Residential Urban Landscapes in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 138(6), pp.525-533.
, 2012. Weather, Climate, and Rural Arizona: Insights and Assessment Strategies, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2012. Weather Services for the Nation: Becoming Second to None, The National Academies Press.
, 2012. Western States Seed Clouds in Search of New Water. Southwest Climate Outlook, 11(1), pp.3-5.
, 2012. Wildfire Management and Forecasting Fire Potential: The Roles of Climate Information and Social Networks in the Southwest United States. Weather, Climate, and Society, 4(2), pp.90-102.
, 2012. Adaptation and resilience: The economics of climate, water, and energy challenges in the American Southwest, Washington, DC: Earthscan.
, 2011. Appendix 4 - Participatory scenario planning in regional and sectoral stakeholder activities in the National Climate Assessment, Washington, D.C.: National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee.
, 2011. Applying Bargaining Theory to Western Water Transfers. In Adaptation and resilience: The economics of climate, water, and energy challenges in the American Southwest. Washington, DC: Earthscan.
, 2011. Atmospheric Rivers: Harbors for Extreme Winter Precipitation. Southwest Climate Outlook, 10(12), pp.3-5.
, 2011. CHANGE: Climate and Hydrology Academic Network for Governance and the Environment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92(8), pp.1045-1048.
, 2011. Climate Assessment for the Southwest Annual Progress Report for Funding Year 2010 - 2011, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
, 2011. Climate Change and Water in the Southwest: A summary of a special peer-review article series. Southwest Climate Outlook, 10(1), pp.3-5.
, 2011. Climate Change Poses Challenges to Food Security in the Southwest. Southwest Climate Outlook, 10(4), pp.3-5.
, 2011. Climate, Changing Snowpack, and the Future of Winter Recreation. In Adaptation and resilience: the economics of climate, water, and energy challenges in the American Southwest. Washington, DC: Earthscan, p. xxiii, 264 p.
, 2011. Climate Data Challenges in the 21st Century. Science, 331(6018), pp.700-702.
, 2011. Climate, Water Availability, Energy Costs, and National Park Visitation. In Adaptation and resilience: the economics of climate, water, and energy challenges in the American Southwest. Washington, DC: Earthscan, p. 264.
, 2011. , 2011.
Deep Freezes: Will future warming paradoxically cause more extreme cold events?. Southwest Climate Outlook, 10(2), pp.3-5.
, 2011. A Double-Dip? Mounting Evidence Suggests La Niña Will Return This Winter. Southwest Climate Outlook, 10(8), pp.3-6.
, 2011. Drought Preparedness for Tribes in the Four Corners Region Workshop Report, Tucson, AZ: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, University of Arizona.
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, 2011. The 2010 North American Monsoon Forecast: A roundtable discussion with three monsoon experts. Southwest Climate Outlook, 9(6), pp.3-5.
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, 2010. The 2009 southwest monsoon: El Niño’s heavy hand. Southwest Climate Outlook, 8(11), pp.1-3.
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, 2008. New streamflow forecasts for expert users. Southwest Climate Outlook, 7(2), pp.3-5.
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, 2008. Phenology, citizen science and Dave Bertelsen. Southwest Climate Outlook, 7(8), pp.3-5.
, 2008. Powering the Southwest with solar and wind. Southwest Climate Outlook, 7(11), pp.3-5.
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, 2008. The wet winter and the basins' bathtubs. Southwest Climate Outlook, 7(6), pp.3-6.
, 2008. Applications of Monsoon Research: Opportunities to Inform Decision Making and Reduce Regional Vulnerability. Journal of Climate, 20(9), pp.1608-1627.
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, 2007. New divisions for monitoring and predicting climate. Southwest Climate Outlook, 6(7), pp.3-5.
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, 2005. Biologists bring water to species hurt by drought. Southwest Climate Outlook, 4(1), pp.2-4.
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, 2005. More than Just Talk: Connecting Science and Decision Making. Environment, 47(9), pp.6-21.
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, 2005. Nature's clock ringing in earlier springs. Southwest Climate Outlook, 4(9), pp.2-4.
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, 2005. Walking The Talk: Connecting Science with Decisionmaking. Environment, 47(9), pp.6-21.
, 2005. Water, energy, and climate linked in complex ways. Southwest Climate Outlook, 4(8), pp.2-5.
, 2005. Water, Power, and Social Transformation: Neoliberal Reforms in Mexico. VertigO: La revue electronique en sciences de l'environnement, 6(2).
, 2005. Why Sustainability is Not a Four-Letter Word. Southwest Hydrology, 4(1), pp.14-15.
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