The University of Arizona

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SW Climate Outlook - Monsoon Case Study - Pima ALERT Network

Monday, August 21, 2017

Comparison of the current totals at regional weather stations to normal precipitation-to-date and average seasonal totals gives a better sense of how locations across the region are faring in the monsoon (Fig. 1). Most of the stations in Fig. 1 recorded average to above-average precipitation to date, and a few (El Paso and Tucson) exceeded the monsoon seasonal average (June 15 – Sept 30). 

Looking at the Pima County ALERT network sensors (Fig. 3) reveals just how variable the monsoon can be within a region, as well as the fact that daily & cumulative single-station values may not reflect the range of precipitation values observed in the monsoon. read more

SW Climate Outlook August 2017 - Climate Summary

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Precipitation and Temperature: July precipitation ranged from below average in the southwest corner of Arizona to average to much-above average across the rest of the state (Fig. 1a). Central New Mexico recorded mostly below-average precipitation in July, while the northern and southwestern portions of the state recorded average to much-above average precipitation (Fig. 1a). July temperatures were average to much-above average in Arizona and New Mexico (Fig. 1b), although regular monsoon events helped tamp down daily average temperatures in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. read more