The University of Arizona

National Climate Assessment Regional Town Hall | CLIMAS


National Climate Assessment Regional Town Hall

Friday, January 18, 2013

This day-long town hall meeting will bring together approximately 90 people, including climate experts and users of climate information from academia, local, state, tribal, and federal governments, non-profit organizations, businesses, and industry. This event is by invitation only.  Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • learn about the National Climate Assessment and the process leading to the 2013 National Climate Assessment Report (a draft of the report will be available for public comment at the time of the meeting);
  • talk with report authors, members of the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee, and National Climate Assessment staff about how the information provided in National Climate Assessment products is and can be used in various decision making contexts;
  • learn about local and regional efforts to respond to the impacts of climate change in the Southwest U.S.; and
  • collaborate with other meeting participants to identify ways that you and your community can participate in the long-term National Climate Assessment process.

The town hall will consist of both plenary panels and small group discussions. During the plenary session, National Climate Assessment authors and staff will provide an overview of the National Climate Assessment process, present preliminary findings from the Draft 2013 National Climate Assessment Report, and explain how members of the public may comment on the Draft Report. Additional speakers will highlight local and regional efforts to assess and respond to the challenges of climate change, and will explore the ways in which efforts in the Southwest U.S. are linked to the National Climate Assessment. During the small group discussion time, you will have an opportunity share your own expertise and insights related to climate, assessments, and decision making in the context of climate change, and to suggest and plan pathways to build sustained assessment capacity in the Southwest U.S.