The University of Arizona

Climate & Health Workshop | CLIMAS


Climate & Health Workshop

Friday, February 14, 2014

This workshop is open to UA researchers engaged in research around climate and health. The workshop will aim to stimulate research on the climate and health nexus, to learn about research in this area occurring on our campus, and especially, to see if substantial interest exists in pursuing collaborative grants.

A light breakfast will be provided.

8:30-8:45 a.m.—Introduction—Margaret Wilder & Heidi Brown, Co-PIs, CLIMAS
8:45-9:15 a.m.—Climate-Health Research at the UA: Setting the Context—Provost Andrew Comrie (Co-PI, CLIMAS)
9:15-10:15 a.m.—Discussion about advancing climate-health research at the UA
10:15-10:30 a.m.—Next steps – discussion of future workshop and proposals
10:30 a.m.—Adjournment

The meeting will feature a keynote address by Provost Andrew Comrie, CLIMAS co-PI and Professor in the School of Geography and Development, whose research examines the links between climate and mosquito-borne disease in the Southwest. Following the Provost’s presentation, we will then have a discussion about climate and health research at the University of Arizona, to gauge interest in developing ideas for larger collaborative research proposals. The workshop’s outcome will be a concrete framework to carry out these proposals moving forward. We believe that a number of undeveloped synergies exist on campus that could bloom into a productive research cluster around climate and health in the future. Please see included agenda.

Please respond to Emma Lawlor at by Monday, February 10, to RSVP for the workshop.