The University of Arizona

Moving Borders from the Periphery to the Center: river basins, political boundaries, and water management policy | CLIMAS

Moving Borders from the Periphery to the Center: river basins, political boundaries, and water management policy

TitleMoving Borders from the Periphery to the Center: river basins, political boundaries, and water management policy
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsVarady, R, Morehouse, BJ
EditorLawford, R, Fort, D, Hartmann, H, Eden, S
Book TitleWater: Science, Policy and Management American Geophysical Union
PublisherWater Resources Monograph
CityWashington, DC.

From the local to the global scale, water use and sustainability are issues of historic importance. Never before has water science needed to inform water policy so much, and never before have we seen how challenging it is to advance that relationship. - How rapidly is the demand for water growing? - What climate- or pollution-imposed limits to water supplies exist, and how can we best manage them? - Will privatization benefit water management, resource development, and the environment? - How can science work more closely with the policy and engineering communities to perfect knowledge-based water planning? Water: Science, Policy, and Management discusses these issues, and more. Scientists in water research and geography, water policy experts, water managers and engineers, lawyers grappling with water issues, and environmentalists concerned with the state of water internationally will find this book a significant resource now and in the coming years.