The University of Arizona

Climate Impacts on Urban Water Resources in the Southwest: The Importance of Context | CLIMAS

Climate Impacts on Urban Water Resources in the Southwest: The Importance of Context

TitleClimate Impacts on Urban Water Resources in the Southwest: The Importance of Context
Publication TypeArticles
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsMorehouse, BJ
JournalJAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
PublisherBlackwell Publishing Ltd
ISBN Number1752-1688
Keywordsclimate change, climate variability, institutions, urban water

ABSTRACT: Stresses on water resources in the Southwest take many forms and emanate from many different sources, among which are complex institutional arrangements, significant areal and temporal climatic variability, and high urban growth rates. Further challenges to managing supply and demand in this water-scarce region are posed by environmental, social, and legal differences within and between the individual urban areas. Analysis of the sensitivity of the urban water sector in the Southwest to climatic variability requires careful consideration of these factors. Such analysis, in turn, provides an essential foundation for effective evaluation of the region's sensitivity to longer term climate change.
