The University of Arizona

Indian Water Rights Settlements and Water Management Innovations: The Role of the Arizona Water Settlements Act | CLIMAS

Indian Water Rights Settlements and Water Management Innovations: The Role of the Arizona Water Settlements Act

TitleIndian Water Rights Settlements and Water Management Innovations: The Role of the Arizona Water Settlements Act
Publication TypeArticles
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBark, R, Jacobs, K
JournalWater Resources Research
ISBN Number1944-7973

In the American southwest, over-allocated water supplies, groundwater depletion, and potential climate change impacts are major water management concerns. It may therefore seem counterintuitive that the resolution of outstanding senior tribal water claims, essentially reallocating finite water supplies to tribes, could support improved water supply reliability for many water users as is the case with the 2004 Arizona Water Settlements Act. The large size of the settlement and its multiple components translate to significant impacts on water policy in Arizona. Key water management solutions incorporated into the settlement and associated legislation have expanded the water manager's “toolbox” and are expected to enhance water supply reliability both within and outside Arizona's active management areas. Many of these new tools are transferable to water management applications in other states.
