The University of Arizona

Modeling Interactions Among Wildland Fire, Climate and Society in the Context of Climatic Variability and Change in the Southwest US | CLIMAS

Modeling Interactions Among Wildland Fire, Climate and Society in the Context of Climatic Variability and Change in the Southwest US

TitleModeling Interactions Among Wildland Fire, Climate and Society in the Context of Climatic Variability and Change in the Southwest US
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsMorehouse, BJ, Christopherson, M, Crimmins, MA, Orr, B, Overpeck, JT, Swetnam, T, Yool, S
EditorRuth, M, Donaghy, K, Kirshen, P
Book TitleRegional Climate Change and Variability, Impacts and Responses
PublisherEdward Elgar
CityCheltenham, UK