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How Can Recreation and Tourism Benefit from Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Assess and Adapt to Climate Change? Lessons from the U.S. Southwest | CLIMAS

How Can Recreation and Tourism Benefit from Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Assess and Adapt to Climate Change? Lessons from the U.S. Southwest

TitleHow Can Recreation and Tourism Benefit from Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Assess and Adapt to Climate Change? Lessons from the U.S. Southwest
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2007
AuthorsMorehouse, BJ, Frisvold, GB, Bark-Hodgins, R
EditorMatzarakis, A, de Freitas, CR, Scott, D
Conference Name3rd International Workshop on Climate, Tourism and Recreation
PublisherInternational Society of Biometeorology
Conference LocationAlexandroupolis, Greece
ISBN Number978-3-00-024110-9