The University of Arizona

Beyond Brainstorming: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: Climate Change Adaptation for Water Managers; Oracle, Arizona, 4–5 February 2008 | CLIMAS

Beyond Brainstorming: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: Climate Change Adaptation for Water Managers; Oracle, Arizona, 4–5 February 2008

TitleBeyond Brainstorming: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: Climate Change Adaptation for Water Managers; Oracle, Arizona, 4–5 February 2008
Publication TypeArticles
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsGarfin, GM, Jacobs, K, Buizer, J
JournalEos, Transactions American Geophysical Union
ISBN Number2324-9250
Keywords0465 Microbiology: ecology, physiology and genomics, 1616 Climate variability, 1880 Water management

The most visible manifestation of climate change in the American Southwest is its effects on water resources. Since 1999, the region's water supplies and major rivers have been tested by burgeoning population growth and drought. Model projections suggest increasing drought severity and duration due to rising temperatures, increased evapotranspiration, and enhanced atmospheric circulation from the tropics (Hadley circulation). The Arizona Water Institute, Arizona State University, and University of Arizona convened a “knowledge network” of local, state, tribal, and federal water resources managers and scientists to identify climate change adaptation and response strategies.
