The University of Arizona

Artículo de investigación, material particulado dispersado al aire en areas sin asfalto en Ciudad Juarez | CLIMAS

Artículo de investigación, material particulado dispersado al aire en areas sin asfalto en Ciudad Juarez

TitleArtículo de investigación, material particulado dispersado al aire en areas sin asfalto en Ciudad Juarez
Publication TypeArticles
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsEscamilla, JAHernandez, Margez, JPFlores, Ramirez, MF, Mendoza, NR, Rios, MD, Shukla, MK, DuBois, DW
JournalCiencia en la frontera: revista d ciencia y technologia de la UACJ
KeywordsNOM-025-SSA1-1993, particulate matter, total suspended particles

Particulate matter (mp) has different sizes, which are of 2.5 μm and total suspended particles (tsp), among others. The material is related to different cardiorespiratory system damage. The study was conducted at four strategic points in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, with coverage from North to South. The study sites were characterized to include large areas of unpaved streets. Maximum values in monitoring the 2012 mp2.5 detected in DustTrak ® were 2.3 mg/m3 in April, 1.58 mg/m3 for the month of May, 4.61 mg/m3 in June, and 0.448 mg/m3 for the month of July, while the technique of rotors was 1.29 mg/m3 in monitoring of March to tsp. For monitoring of 2013, the maximum values for mp2.5 were 0.1 mg/m3 for February 20th and 24th; 0.158 and 0.178 for March 4th and 8th, respectively; while for tsp were 10.64 mg/m3 for January 29th; for the month of February, 0.48 and 0.41 mg/m3 for 20th and 24th, respectively; and for March 4th, 22th, and 24th had values of 1.33 mg/m3 , 0.27 mg/m3 , and .052 mg/m3 , respectively. mp2.5 concentrations in areas southeast of Ciudad Juárez without asphalt exceeded the values of the nom-025-ssa1-1993, which are 0.065 mg/m3 for mp2.5, and for total solids (tsp) a maximum concentration value of 0.21 mg/m3 allowed, exceeding it during the dates where there were dust storm. For this reason is the importance of assessing the quality of air in relation to mp2.5 and tsp because has an adverse impact to health and these areas have the conditions to make higher concentrations of these particles.