The University of Arizona

How Can Tourism Research Benefit from Multi-Disciplinary Assessmesnts of Climate Change? Lessons from the U.S. Southwest | CLIMAS

How Can Tourism Research Benefit from Multi-Disciplinary Assessmesnts of Climate Change? Lessons from the U.S. Southwest

TitleHow Can Tourism Research Benefit from Multi-Disciplinary Assessmesnts of Climate Change? Lessons from the U.S. Southwest
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMorehouse, BJ, Frisvold, GB, Bark-Hodgins, R
EditorMatzarakis, A, de Freitas, CR, Scott, D
Book TitleDevelopments in Tourism Climatology
KeywordsU.S. Southwest, skiing, national parks, water-based recreation, fire management

This study reports on Climate Assessment Project for the Southwest (CLIMAS) research on climate and nature-based tourism and recreation. Three case studies – of the ski industry, national park recreation, and wildfire management – illustrate different ways of using climate data for tourism research.