The University of Arizona

Chp 7: Future Climate: Projected Extremes | CLIMAS

Chp 7: Future Climate: Projected Extremes

TitleChp 7: Future Climate: Projected Extremes
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsGershunov, A, Rajagopalan, B, Overpeck, JT, Guirguis, K, Cayan, D, Hughes, M, Dettinger, M, Castro, C, Schwartz, E, Anderson, M, Ray, A, Barsugli, J, Cavazos, T, Alexander, M
Series EditorGarfin, GM, Jardine, A, Merideth, R, Black, M, LeRoy, S
Book TitleAssessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment
PublisherIsland Press
CityWashington, D.C.