To help ensure that this project was relevant and useful for both the scientists and water managers involved, we developed a small board of advisers to help guide the project. The advisory board is made up of one representative from each water utility involved and one representative from each of the university-based science groups who have worked with these utilities to provide information about climate. The advisory board members are:
Laurna Kaatz
Climate Scientist for the Planning Division
Denver Water
Jeff Lukas
Western Water Assessment
University of Colorado
Western Water Assessment
University of Colorado
Paul Fleming
Manager, Climate & Sustainability Group
Seattle Public Utilities
Manager, Climate & Sustainability Group
Seattle Public Utilities
Amy Snover
Associate Director, Climate Impacts Group
University of Washington
Associate Director, Climate Impacts Group
University of Washington
Ries Lindley
Water Resources Management
Tucson Water
Water Resources Management
Tucson Water
Ralph Marra
Water Administrator, Water Resources Management
Tucson Water
Water Administrator, Water Resources Management
Tucson Water
Gregg Garfin
Insitute of the Environment and Climate Assessment for the Southwest
University of Arizona
Insitute of the Environment and Climate Assessment for the Southwest
University of Arizona