New Mexico State Climatologist
Assistant Professor, New Mexico State University
Dr. DuBois is the State Climatologist for New Mexico and located in Las Cruces. As State Climatologist, Dr. DuBois focuses on climate literacy through providing climate information and education to the public, speaking engagements, interviews, school demonstrations, social networking, and tours. He is also the New Mexico Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) state coordinator. Dr. DuBois chairs the NM Drought Monitoring Workgroup for the NM Governor’s Drought Task Force. This group meets once a month to discuss current status of the drought and communicate this to the Governor’s staff and to the public. As the State Climatologist, he directs the New Mexico Climate Center. The Center employs students and a technician to operate and maintain an archive of meteorological data collected throughout the state of New Mexico. The Center oversees a network of automated surface weather stations throughout the state with most of these located at university agricultural science centers.
Through his faculty appointment at the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department at New Mexico State University, Dr. DuBois maintains an active research program in air quality and applied climatology, participating in studies to quantify the interactions of climate and pollution, the origins, composition, and transport of dust and other pollutants. Much of his work focuses on issues along the US/Mexico border and part of the Joint Advisory Committee of the Improvement of Air Quality in the Paso del Norte airshed. Dr. DuBois also collaborates closely with the Center for Applied Remote Sensing in Agriculture, Meteorology and Environment at NMSU. Other duties of Dr. DuBois at the university include teaching and student mentoring.
Title | Type | Start Date |
Impacts of Climate Extremes to Interstate and Local Trucking Industries across New Mexico and Arizona | Research | 2018 |
Improved Understanding of Climate Variability and Change Relevant to Orchards and Vineyards in Arizona and New Mexico | Research | 2017 |
Views of Drought across the Cattle Ranching Communities of Southwestern New Mexico and Northwestern Chihuahua | Research | 2016 |
Southwest Climate Gap | Research | 2015 |
New Mexico Agroclimate | Climate Services | 2013 |