The University of Arizona

Title CLIMAS Leadsort ascending Project Type Start Date Status
Border Climate Summary Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2009 Completed
Southwest Climate Change Initiative (SWCCI) Gregg Garfin Research 2008 Completed
Ranching and Climate Gregg Garfin Research 1999 Completed
Paleoclimate Tool - Tree-ring Reconstructions of SW Climate Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2000 Completed
Water Needs and Impacts of Climate Change and Water Diversion on Ecosystems of the Upper Gila River in New Mexico Gregg Garfin Research 2015 Ongoing
END InSight: El Niño-Drought Initiative Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2002 Completed
Building Climate Science into Land and Water Conservation Planning and Decision Making in the American Southwest Gregg Garfin Research 2012 Ongoing
Climate Change Analysis for the City of Tucson Gregg Garfin Research 2012 Ongoing
Arizona Drought Planning and Mitigation Gregg Garfin Research 2003 Completed
Rio Grande|Bravo Climate Impacts & Outlook Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2015 Ongoing
Preparing for High-Consequence, Low-Probability Events: Heat, Water & Energy in the Southwest Gregg Garfin Research 2015 Completed
Western Adaptation Alliance – A Collaboration Project for Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Extremes Gregg Garfin Research 2014 Ongoing
Sky Island Climate Adaptation Gregg Garfin Research 2010 Ongoing
Knowledge Exchange and Needs Assessment on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Colorado River Gregg Garfin Research 2010 Completed
CLIMAS Contributions to the National Climate Assessment Gregg Garfin Research 2011 Completed
National Seasonal Assessment Workshops for Fire Potential Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2003 Completed
Using Critical Thresholds to Customize Climate Projections of Extreme Events to User Needs and Support Decisions Gregg Garfin Research 2014 Ongoing
Transborder Climate Communication Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2012 Completed
Defining Ecosystem Water Needs and Assessing Impacts of Climate Change and Water Diversion on Ecosystems of the Upper Gila River in New Mexico Gregg Garfin Research 2013 Ongoing
National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) – El Paso Region Gregg Garfin Research 2016 Ongoing
Information Valuation Concerning Decisions Made in Response to Wildland Fires in the Southwest United States George Frisvold Research 2021 Ongoing
Climate, Water Availability, and Southwest Park Visitation George Frisvold Research 1999 Completed
Climate Mitigation and Agriculture: Public Policy Education George Frisvold Research 2010 Ongoing
Climate Change Mitigation Strategies and Policies George Frisvold Research 2008 Ongoing
A Colorado River Shortage Declaration: Planning, Responses, and Consequences George Frisvold Research 2017 Ongoing
Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change: Markets, Policy, Technology, and Information George Frisvold Research 2005 Ongoing
Sectoral Impacts of Drought and Climate Change George Frisvold Research 2008 Ongoing
Agriculture Water Use George Frisvold Research 2003 Completed
Community Vulnerability Assessments Timothy Finan Research 1999 Completed
Planning for Local Government Climate Challenges: Connecting Research and Practice Daniel Ferguson Research 2010 Completed
Evaluating Climate Assessment and Translational Science Efforts in the US Southwest Daniel Ferguson Research 2007 Completed
Planning for Drought in the Warming and Drying Southwest: Drought Indicators to Support Tribal Decision Making in the Four Corners Daniel Ferguson Climate Services 2013 Completed
Knowledge to Action: An Assessment of the Transfer of Climate Science to Decision Making Daniel Ferguson Research 2009 Completed
Views of Drought across the Cattle Ranching Communities of Southwestern New Mexico and Northwestern Chihuahua David DuBois Research 2016 Ongoing
Air Quality and Climate David DuBois Research 2010 Ongoing
Impacts of Climate Extremes to Interstate and Local Trucking Industries across New Mexico and Arizona David DuBois Research 2018 Ongoing
Tribal Drought Information for Monitoring, Assessment, and Planning (DRI MAP) Michael Crimmins Climate Services 2010 Completed
Assessing Regional Climate Services Through Cooperative Extension Michael Crimmins Research 2010 Completed
Southeast Arizona Agricultural Weather and Climate Working Group Michael Crimmins Research 2014 Ongoing
USDA Livestock Forage Disaster Program and Ranching in the Southwest U.S. Michael Crimmins Research 2020 Ongoing
