TreeFlow: A Drought Planning Resource for Water Management in the Western U.S. |
Connie Woodhouse |
Climate Services |
2008 |
Completed |
Paleo-Southwest Monsoon Dynamics |
Jonathan Overpeck |
Research |
2008 |
Completed |
Categorizing Urban Landscapes to Assess Drought Vulnerability |
Rolston St. Hilaire |
Climate Services |
2008 |
Completed |
Southwest Climate Change Initiative (SWCCI) |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2008 |
Completed |
Climate Change Mitigation Strategies and Policies |
George Frisvold |
Research |
2008 |
Ongoing |
Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change, Drought, and Water Demand in the Urbanizing Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico |
Margaret Wilder |
Research |
2008 |
Completed |
Sectoral Impacts of Drought and Climate Change |
George Frisvold |
Research |
2008 |
Ongoing |
Climate and Heath |
Andrew Comrie |
Research |
2008 |
Ongoing |
Innovative Water Transfer Tools for Regional Adaptation to Climate Change |
Bonnie Colby |
Climate Services |
2009 |
Completed |
Developing Useful Science: Methods for Engaging Stakeholders and Evaluating Integrated Climate Tools |
Gigi Owen |
Research |
2009 |
Completed |
Border Climate Summary |
Gregg Garfin |
Climate Services |
2009 |
Completed |
Evaluation of Arizona Drought Watch: The State's Drought Impacts Reporting System |
Alison Meadow |
Research |
2009 |
Completed |
Knowledge to Action: An Assessment of the Transfer of Climate Science to Decision Making |
Daniel Ferguson |
Research |
2009 |
Completed |
Patterns and Causes of Southwest Drought Variability |
Jonathan Overpeck |
Research |
2009 |
Ongoing |
Evaluation of Fire Forecast Products to Enhance U.S. Drought Preparedness and Response |
Gigi Owen |
Research |
2009 |
Completed |
Planning for Local Government Climate Challenges: Connecting Research and Practice |
Daniel Ferguson |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
Climate Mitigation and Agriculture: Public Policy Education |
George Frisvold |
Research |
2010 |
Ongoing |
Dendrochronology in the Tribal Lands of Northeast Arizona |
Connie Woodhouse |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
Tribal Drought Information for Monitoring, Assessment, and Planning (DRI MAP) |
Michael Crimmins |
Climate Services |
2010 |
Completed |
Poverty and Climate Change in the Southwestern U.S. |
Margaret Wilder |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
Assessing Regional Climate Services Through Cooperative Extension |
Michael Crimmins |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
Air Quality and Climate |
David DuBois |
Research |
2010 |
Ongoing |
La Niña Drought Tracker |
Zack Guido |
Climate Services |
2010 |
Completed |
Sky Island Climate Adaptation |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2010 |
Ongoing |
Knowledge Exchange and Needs Assessment on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Colorado River |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
Southwest Monsoon Tracker |
Zack Guido |
Climate Services |
2010 |
Completed |
Arivaca Community Water Supply Drought Vulnerability Assessment |
Michael Crimmins |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
CLIMAS Contributions to the National Climate Assessment |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2011 |
Completed |
Managing Demand, Rethinking Supply: Adaptation, Conservation, and Planning in the Drought-prone Southwestern U.S. and Northwest Mexico |
Margaret Wilder |
Research |
2011 |
Ongoing |
Climate in Context (RISA Book) |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2012 |
Completed |
CLIMAS Project and Program Evaluation |
Gigi Owen |
Research |
2012 |
Ongoing |
Building Climate Science into Land and Water Conservation Planning and Decision Making in the American Southwest |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2012 |
Ongoing |
Climate Change Analysis for the City of Tucson |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2012 |
Ongoing |
Seasonality Matters: Changing Temperature Distributions Across the Southwest |
Zack Guido |
Research |
2012 |
Completed |
Climate and Weather Services for Disaster Management: A FEMA, NWS, and CLIMAS Collaboration |
Zack Guido |
Research |
2012 |
Completed |
Transborder Climate Communication |
Gregg Garfin |
Climate Services |
2012 |
Completed |
Fostering Conducive Conditions for Climate Assessments: Collaborative Scenario Planning and the Colorado River Basin Study |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2013 |
Ongoing |
New Mexico Agroclimate |
Gregg Garfin |
Climate Services |
2013 |
Ongoing |
Scenario Planning in the Cienegas Watershed |
Kiyomi Morino |
Research |
2013 |
Completed |
Arizona’s Views on Climate Change |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2013 |
Completed |