Knowledge to Action: An Assessment of the Transfer of Climate Science to Decision Making |
Daniel Ferguson |
Research |
2009 |
Completed |
Climate Change & Poetry |
Eric Magrane |
Research |
2015 |
Completed |
Planning for Drought in the Warming and Drying Southwest: Drought Indicators to Support Tribal Decision Making in the Four Corners |
Daniel Ferguson |
Climate Services |
2013 |
Completed |
Climatic Sensitivities of Navajo Forestlands |
Chris Guiterman |
Research |
2014 |
Completed |
Community Vulnerability Assessments |
Timothy Finan |
Research |
1999 |
Completed |
Tree-ring Reconstructions of Past Climate in the Southwest |
Malcolm Hughes |
Research |
2000 |
Completed |
Evaluation of Fire Forecast Products to Enhance U.S. Drought Preparedness and Response |
Gigi Owen |
Research |
2009 |
Completed |
Evaluating the Use of Urban Heat Island and Heat Increase Modeling in Land Use and Planning Decision-Making |
Ladd Keith |
Research |
2017 |
Completed |
Seasonality Matters: Changing Temperature Distributions Across the Southwest |
Zack Guido |
Research |
2012 |
Completed |
Knowledge Exchange and Needs Assessment on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Colorado River |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
Fine-Scale Climate Mapping |
Andrew Comrie |
Research |
2001 |
Completed |
Southwest Monsoon Tracker |
Zack Guido |
Climate Services |
2010 |
Completed |
Arivaca Community Water Supply Drought Vulnerability Assessment |
Michael Crimmins |
Research |
2010 |
Completed |
CLIMAS Contributions to the National Climate Assessment |
Gregg Garfin |
Research |
2011 |
Completed |
Decision Calendars in Fire Management |
Barbara Morehouse |
Research |
2002 |
Completed |
Decentralization of Urban Water and Sustainability Planning in Border Cities |
Margaret Wilder |
Research |
2003 |
Completed |
Climate and Weather Services for Disaster Management: A FEMA, NWS, and CLIMAS Collaboration |
Zack Guido |
Research |
2012 |
Completed |
National Seasonal Assessment Workshops for Fire Potential |
Gregg Garfin |
Climate Services |
2003 |
Completed |
Agriculture Water Use |
George Frisvold |
Research |
2003 |
Completed |
Transborder Climate Communication |
Gregg Garfin |
Climate Services |
2012 |
Completed |
Reconciling Projections of Future Colorado River Streamflow |
Jonathan Overpeck |
Research |
2007 |
Completed |
Decision Support Tools: CLIDDSS, FET, DDIT, Paleo Toolkit, and Others |
Holly Hartmann |
Climate Services |
2007 |
Completed |
Community and Conservation: Assessing Public Values Toward the Lower Colorado River and Delta |
Margaret Wilder |
Research |
2004 |
Completed |
The Lower San Pedro Conservation Collaborative: Stakeholder Engagement on Climate and Environmental Vulnerability |
Ben McMahan |
Research |
2021 |
Completed |