The University of Arizona

Title CLIMAS Lead Project Type Start Date Statussort ascending
Arizona’s Views on Climate Change Gregg Garfin Research 2013 Completed
Dendrochronology in the Tribal Lands of Northeast Arizona Connie Woodhouse Research 2010 Completed
Western Adaptation Alliance – A Collaboration Project for Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Extremes Gregg Garfin Research 2014 Completed
Climate in Context (RISA Book) Gregg Garfin Research 2012 Completed
Air Quality and Climate Variability Andrew Comrie Research 2002 Completed
River Basin Councils and Sustainability Planning in Sonora Margaret Wilder Research 2003 Completed
What makes climate change adaptation effective? Gigi Owen Research 2017 Completed
Hydroclimatology & Paleohydrology for Decision Support Katherine Hirschboeck Climate Services 2007 Completed
Fire History and Climate Barbara Morehouse Research 2004 Completed
Border Climate Summary Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2009 Completed
Potential Changes in Future Regional Climate and Related Impacts: A Brief Report for the Central New Mexico Climate Change Scenario Planning Project Jeremy Weiss Research 2013 Completed
Climate Change Projections and Scenarios for the Southwest Holly Hartmann Research 2007 Completed
Climate Variability--Winter Precipitation Anomalies Andrew Comrie Research 2005 Completed
Developing and Leading a Climate and Health Research Network on the University of Arizona Campus Margaret Wilder Research 2013 Completed
Southwest Climate Change Initiative (SWCCI) Gregg Garfin Research 2008 Completed
Evaluating Climate Assessment and Translational Science Efforts in the US Southwest Daniel Ferguson Research 2007 Completed
Almonds Fish and a Modern Dust Bowl: Narratives of Drought Vulnerability and Adaption in California’s San Joaquin Valley Christina Greene Research 2015 Completed
Mosquito Disease Vector Mapping Andrew Comrie Research 2004 Completed
Ranching and Climate Gregg Garfin Research 1999 Completed
Use-Inspired Research On Adaptation Strategies Of Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems In Gandaki Basin, Nepal Bhuwan Thapa Research 2015 Completed
Cultivating a Climate of Cave Conservation Awareness Sarah Truebe Research 2014 Completed
Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change, Drought, and Water Demand in the Urbanizing Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico Margaret Wilder Research 2008 Completed
Wildfire Alternatives (WALTER) Barbara Morehouse Research 2000 Completed
Paleoclimate Tool - Tree-ring Reconstructions of SW Climate Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2000 Completed
Tribal Drought Information for Monitoring, Assessment, and Planning (DRI MAP) Michael Crimmins Climate Services 2010 Completed
Predicting Valley Fever Incidence Andrew Comrie Research 2000 Completed
Poverty and Climate Change in the Southwestern U.S. Margaret Wilder Research 2010 Completed
Forecast Evaluation Holly Hartmann Research 2001 Completed
Assessing Regional Climate Services Through Cooperative Extension Michael Crimmins Research 2010 Completed
Snow Cover Mapping Roger Bales Climate Services 2002 Completed
END InSight: El Niño-Drought Initiative Gregg Garfin Climate Services 2002 Completed
Climate Variables and Water Market Prices Bonnie Colby Research 2002 Completed
Building A Regional Climate Database: Applications For Research, Collaboration, and Public Engagement - Integrating Climate Data into Ecological Analysis, Monitoring, and Restoration Ben McMahan Research 2014 Completed
Arizona Drought Planning and Mitigation Gregg Garfin Research 2003 Completed
La Niña Drought Tracker Zack Guido Climate Services 2010 Completed
Evaluation of Arizona Drought Watch: The State's Drought Impacts Reporting System Alison Meadow Research 2009 Completed
Forecast Evaluation and Application Research Holly Hartmann Research 2007 Completed
Economic Analysis of Water Resources and Ski Recreation Bonnie Colby Research 2004 Completed
Managing Flash Floods: Risk Perception from a Cultural Perspective Katherine Hirschboeck Research 2006 Completed
Preparing for High-Consequence, Low-Probability Events: Heat, Water & Energy in the Southwest Gregg Garfin Research 2015 Completed
