The University of Arizona

SW Climate Podcast - 2017 Monsoon Recap (June 15 - Sept 30) - Boasting, Coasting or Ghosting | CLIMAS


SW Climate Podcast - 2017 Monsoon Recap (June 15 - Sept 30) - Boasting, Coasting or Ghosting

SW Climate Podcast - 2017 Monsoon Recap (June 15 - Sept 30) - Boasting, Coasting or Ghosting

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

In this episode of the CLIMAS Southwest Climate Podcast, Mike Crimmins and Zack Guido look back at the monsoon that wasn't, then very much so was, and then wasn't again (at least in Arizona), as well as the late season surge over in New Mexico.  They discuss the mechanisms that helped push the monsoon to near record levels in July, but helped facilitate a shut down for most of August and nearly all of September.  They also discuss "the bet".  Next month the discussion will return to ENSO, drought, and upcoming forecasts for fall/winter in the SW, but for now, it's all monsoon, all the time.