Sept 2020 Southwest Climate Podcast - Working Through the 5 Stages of Grief on this Years (lack of) Monsoon
Sept 2020 Southwest Climate Podcast - Working Through the 5 Stages of Grief on this Years (lack of) Monsoon
In the September 2020 edition of the CLIMAS Southwest Climate Podcast, Mike Crimmins and Zack Guido reflect on this year's monsoon. The monsoon is not over, but at this point it is clear it will come in on the dry side of things. They discuss some of the reasons why, and how this below average monsoon compares across the region and to other years. Zack also recounts some of our Slack/text conversations about the monsoon and maps them onto the 5 stages of grief framework. They also discuss tropical storm activity in the eastern Pacific and talk through the monsoon game for August. There is not much on the horizon for the rest of September, but we have been surprised before, so here's hoping!