The University of Arizona

Oct 2014 SW Climate Podcast: Monsoon Recap and an El Niño Double Dip | CLIMAS


Oct 2014 SW Climate Podcast: Monsoon Recap and an El Niño Double Dip

Oct 2014 SW Climate Podcast: Monsoon Recap and an El Niño Double Dip

Thursday, October 23, 2014

In the October Southwest Climate Podcast, CLIMAS climate scientists Zack Guido and Mike Crimmins discuss the 2014 monsoon, focusing on the influence of tropical storm systems, record and near-record precipitation events, monsoon intensity and duration, and the ever-present promise of El Niño.

Intro 0:00
Monsoon/Precipitation Recap: Including influence of tropical storms, record/near-record precipitation, comparison to 2013 1:00
Tropical storm influence: Extending the monsoon and driving seasonal totals 10:00
El Niño Forecast Models: Predicting a wet fall/winter, El Niño influence, Kelvin wave effects and warm waters in the Pacific 15:10
El Niño "Now-Casting": Unique case to watch, why El Niño has been hard to predict 20:00
Drought Mitigation and Winter Precip: - El Niño conditions are favorable and it's almost here  26:00
Recap & Looking Forward: (Arctic Oscillation) 31:30

If you have a question you'd like answered, you can email Zack Guido ( or Ben McMahan ( with "CLIMAS Podcast Question" in the subject line. You can also tweet us @CLIMAS_UA or post a question on facebook

Also, as we mentioned last month, we have a new podcast feature: video mini-segments from the podcast.  We have four segments posted from previous podcasts, including:

And we have decided to release approximate transcripts of the podcast.  

Suggested Source/Citation:

CLIMAS: Climate Assessment for the Southwest, (2014). Monsoon Recap and an El Niño Double Dip. [podcast] CLIMAS Southwest Climate Podcast. Available at: [Date Accessed]