The University of Arizona

November 2018 Southwest Climate Podcast - Part 1 - Monsoon 2018 Rankings, Reliving October, and Wildfire | CLIMAS


November 2018 Southwest Climate Podcast - Part 1 - Monsoon 2018 Rankings, Reliving October, and Wildfire

November 2018 Southwest Climate Podcast - Part 1 - Monsoon 2018 Rankings, Reliving October, and Wildfire

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

In the November 2018 edition of the CLIMAS Southwest Climate Podcast, Mike Crimmins and Zack Guido give a brief recap of the monsoon rankings for 2018, to compare seasonal totals, and to see if a bit of hindsight adds anything to our assessment of the monsoon this year. Next they dive into October conditions in the Southwest (precipitation and temperature), and discuss the role that the Pacific tropical storm season played in these events, and the impacts that season had at a regional scale. They finish with a discussion of wildfire, with an eye towards what is happening in California right now.

Production note: Travel schedules prevented us from recording a podcast in October, but Mike and Zack clearly had some pent-up perspectives on SW Climate, so the podcast ran a bit long.  We decided to release the podcast in two parts - the first part covers the topics mentioned above (Monsoon, October/Nov weather & climate, wildfire in the Southwest), while part 2 (to be released early next week) will cover El Niño and the seasonal outlooks for the Southwest).