The University of Arizona

Nov 2019 Southwest Climate Podcast - Winter Storm "Emergency" Mini-Pod | CLIMAS


Nov 2019 Southwest Climate Podcast - Winter Storm "Emergency" Mini-Pod

Nov 2019 Southwest Climate Podcast - Winter Storm "Emergency" Mini-Pod

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

In the Nov 2019 edition of the Southwest Climate Podcast, Mike Crimmins and Ben McMahan sit down to talk through recent storm activity in the Southwest after a month-plus pause in the rain for much of the region during October. Fear not, Zack Guido will be back with us soon, but you'll have to listen to the podcast to hear why (hint: he has a pretty good excuse). With the rain finally falling in the Southwest as November is coming to a close, we wanted to get a quick mini-pod out there before the Thanksgiving holiday, and we'll be back sometime in December to take a closer look at what has been going on in the Southwest's weather and climate, and what the winter may have in store.

As a note, this was recorded the week of Nov 18, when a series of storms had started rolling through the Southwest, but the mechanism for these storms is relatively similar to that of the week of Nov 25 (i.e. when this podcast is finally coming out).