Mar 2021 Southwest Climate Podcast - Was the SW Winter "La-Niña-y"? Best of the Worst Edition
Mar 2021 Southwest Climate Podcast - Was the SW Winter "La-Niña-y"? Best of the Worst Edition
Thursday, March 25, 2021
In the Mar 2021 edition of the CLIMAS Southwest Climate Podcast, Mike Crimmins and Zack Guido sit down to discuss the winter in the Southwest, and whether it lived up to expectations for a La Niña winter. They also go over streamflow, snowpack, and start a deeper dive into reservoirs, based on a listener question from last month (send in your questions if you have them!). They dabble a bit in the seasonal forecasts and talk about some of the key things they will be watching over the next 3-4 months, namely how fire season evolves, and when we can (reasonably) start looking ahead towards monsoon onset. They wrap up with a brief preview of monsoon-game 2.0, and hint at what we have planned.