The University of Arizona

Roundtable Discussion with Professor Hari Osofsky | CLIMAS


Roundtable Discussion with Professor Hari Osofsky

Roundtable Discussion with Professor Hari Osofsky

Professor Hari Osofsky, visiting from the University of Minnesota Law School, will give a brief presentation about her work on the dynamics of local networks in climate change policy. Her talk will be followed by a moderated discussion about climate change governance at the regional level. 

Space is limited, so please RSVP to Ryan Thomas <> by noon on Thursday, February 6, 2014.

About Prof. Osofsky:
Professor Osofsky's interdisciplinary law and geography scholarship focuses on governance and justice concerns related to energy and climate change. She collaborates with local, state and county governments on climate change policy in the Twin Cities and Hennepin County, researching methods of overcoming jurisdictional boundaries in climate policymaking.