Arizona Municipal Climate Planning Workshop
Arizona Municipal Climate Planning Workshop
This workshop in Tempe, AZ on October 18-19 focused on local government climate adaptation and long-term resilience efforts in Arizona. The workshop is part of a project led by the University of Arizona and Arizona State University that seeks to create a collaborative environment among municipal leaders (e.g., city managers, planners, and resource managers) and experts in climate-related research to stimulate and support climate adaptation and resiliency efforts across the state.
The main objective of this project is to work with municipal leaders to co-produce useful materials that facilitate and support local climate adaptation efforts. One of the underlying assumptions is that local adaptation projects are limited by a lack of timely access to credible and relevant information and support. This two-phase project will attempt to overcome this barrier.
The first phase involves this workshop which is designed to bring together participants from across the state and a small group of international experts from physical and social science fields to exchange useful and state-of-the-art knowledge about climate variability, climate change, adaptation, and the unique challenges facing municipal leaders in Arizona. The second phase of the project involves interested groups submitting brief proposals that spell out what your community needs that the climate research community may be able to offer (within the time and resource constraints of our project) and how you would like to work with the climate research community to address this need.