The University of Arizona

Advancing Climate Adaptation in Flagstaff: Expert Discussion Session | CLIMAS


Advancing Climate Adaptation in Flagstaff: Expert Discussion Session

Advancing Climate Adaptation in Flagstaff: Expert Discussion Session

The Flagstaff City Council recently adopted strategies based upon the City’s September 2012 Resiliency and Preparedness Study (RPS; Flagstaff’s management team hopes to implement these strategies through its performance measure and budgeting processes. The University of Arizona’s (UA) Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS) program and Arizona State University’s (ASU) Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC) and Center for Integrated Solutions to Climate Challenges is assisting the City in this process. The team will work with Flagstaff’s management team to convene workshops targeted at the police and public works departments. The goals for the workshops will be to identify adaptation strategies that can be implemented now and planned for in the medium- and long-terms as climate and social conditions evolve. Once these strategies have been identified, we will develop performance measures and progress indicators for each strategy. 

In preparation for workshops with Flagstaff's Public Works and Police Departments, the project team is convening a small workshop with experts on climate and health, transportation materials, fire, storm water management, and emergency management. this discussion session will lead to a deeper understanding of the critical issues faced by the two departments.