Recent freeze events: Natural variability or weird weather? |
2013 |
Increased health woes among climate change impacts |
2013 |
Southwest must make choices about future climate |
2013 |
Rising temperatures bump up risk of wildfires |
2011 |
More Than Just Talk: Connecting Science and Decisionmaking |
2011 |
Downscaling Climate Projections in Topographically Diverse Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau in the Arid Southwestern United States |
2010 |
Introducing the Moisture Balance Drought Index |
2010 |
Everybody counts when reining in global warming |
2007 |
Global warming inspires a look at solar, wind energy |
2007 |
Global warming in the Southwest: An overview |
2007 |
Applications of Monsoon Research: Opportunities to Inform Decision Making and Reduce Regional Vulnerability |
2007 |
Cooling systems affect resources, climate, and health |
2007 |
Global warming in the Southwest: Projections, Observations and Impacts |
2007 |
Water-Energy Trade-Offs Between Swamp Coolers and Air Conditioners |
2007 |
Climate Change Effects on Southwest Water Resources |
2007 |
Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels and Forest Management |
2006 |
Management of Forests and Woodlands |
2006 |
Hurricane intensity rises with sea surface temps |
2006 |
El Niño: a wild card for climate change impacts |
2006 |
Islands in a Sea of Change |
2006 |
Monsoon impact on society: the good and the bad |
2006 |
Rising temperatures bump up risk of wildfires |
2006 |
Collaborative Stewardship to Prevent Wildfires |
2006 |
Population growth, warming, and water supply |
2006 |
Grassland dynamics shift with climate fluctuations |
2006 |
Global warming could affect groundwater recharge |
2006 |
Experts discuss early start to Southwest fire season |
2006 |
Is global warming creeping into Southwest forests? |
2005 |
Inquiry into monsoon and global warming continues |
2005 |
Will April rains bring May flames? |
2005 |
Water, energy, and climate linked in complex ways |
2005 |
Fire Season Could Mean Double Trouble for West |
2005 |
More than Just Talk: Connecting Science and Decision Making |
2005 |
Monsoon could strengthen as climate warms |
2005 |
How to use the climate Forecast Evaluation Tool |
2005 |
Walking The Talk: Connecting Science with Decisionmaking |
2005 |
Will the drought continue? |
2005 |
Climate experts discuss winter and spring forecasts |
2005 |
Salt cedar: Villain or scapegoat when it comes to water use? |
2004 |
Beetles devastate forests in response to drought |
2004 |
Plan to thin trees in Apache-Sitreaves forest could increase streamflow in short term |
2004 |
Monsoon forecasting could improve following study |
2004 |
Low flow in the Colorado River Basin spurs water shortage discussion among seven states |
2004 |
Scientists look to ocean for clues about drought |
2004 |
The future Colorado River: Will it deliver? |
2004 |
Forecasters expect below-normal East Pacific hurricane activity despite likely El Niño development this season |
2004 |
Ranchers split on supporting grazing permit buyout |
2004 |
The Heat Is On |
2004 |
Climate experts discuss Southwest drought |
2004 |
Southwest faces high fire risk despite recent rains |
2004 |
Average winter rains in Arizona could bring drought relief |
2003 |
Southwestern drought regimes might worsen with climate change |
2003 |
Monsoon brings relief, but not likely to end drought conditions |
2002 |
El Niño: A focus on variability |
2002 |
Southwest drought could persist despite monsoon, El Niño |
2002 |