Developing Integrated Heat Health Information for Long-term Resilience and Early Warning - NIHHIS |
2018 |
Developing Integrated Heat Health Information for Long-term Resilience and Early Warning |
2018 |
National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) – El Paso Region |
2016 |
Water Needs and Impacts of Climate Change and Water Diversion on Ecosystems of the Upper Gila River in New Mexico |
2015 |
Rio Grande|Bravo Climate Impacts & Outlook |
2015 |
Preparing for High-Consequence, Low-Probability Events: Heat, Water & Energy in the Southwest |
2015 |
CLIMAS H.E.A.T. - Heat Extreme AssessmenT - Cascading Effects of Climate Extremes in the Southwest |
2014 |
Western Adaptation Alliance – A Collaboration Project for Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Extremes |
2014 |
CLIMAS Podcasts & Media |
2014 |
Using Critical Thresholds to Customize Climate Projections of Extreme Events to User Needs and Support Decisions |
2014 |
Western Adaptation Alliance – A Collaboration Project for Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Extremes |
2014 |
Metrics and Measurement of Adaptation |
2014 |
Defining Ecosystem Water Needs and Assessing Impacts of Climate Change and Water Diversion on Ecosystems of the Upper Gila River in New Mexico |
2013 |
Arizona’s Views on Climate Change |
2013 |
New Mexico Agroclimate |
2013 |
Fostering Conducive Conditions for Climate Assessments: Collaborative Scenario Planning and the Colorado River Basin Study |
2013 |
CLIMAS Project and Program Evaluation |
2012 |
Building Climate Science into Land and Water Conservation Planning and Decision Making in the American Southwest |
2012 |
Transborder Climate Communication |
2012 |
Climate in Context (RISA Book) |
2012 |
Climate Change Analysis for the City of Tucson |
2012 |
CLIMAS Contributions to the National Climate Assessment |
2011 |
Managing Demand, Rethinking Supply: Adaptation, Conservation, and Planning in the Drought-prone Southwestern U.S. and Northwest Mexico |
2011 |
Southwest Monsoon Tracker |
2010 |
La Niña Drought Tracker |
2010 |
Dendrochronology in the Tribal Lands of Northeast Arizona |
2010 |
Sky Island Climate Adaptation |
2010 |
Knowledge Exchange and Needs Assessment on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Colorado River |
2010 |
Climate Science for Water Management in Tucson: An Occasional Lecture Series |
2009 |
Border Climate Summary |
2009 |
Southwest Climate Change Initiative (SWCCI) |
2008 |
Categorizing Urban Landscapes to Assess Drought Vulnerability |
2008 |
Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change, Drought, and Water Demand in the Urbanizing Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico |
2008 |
Hydroclimatology & Paleohydrology for Decision Support |
2007 |
Understanding and Communicating Climate Change in the Southwest |
2007 |
Decision Support Tools: CLIDDSS, FET, DDIT, Paleo Toolkit, and Others |
2007 |
Evaluating Climate Assessment and Translational Science Efforts in the US Southwest |
2007 |
Climate Change Projections and Scenarios for the Southwest |
2007 |
Adaptation Strategies for Water and Energy Sectors in the Southwest |
2007 |
Seasonal Climate Briefings and Podcasts |
2006 |
Fire History and Climate |
2004 |
National Seasonal Assessment Workshops for Fire Potential |
2003 |
Arizona Drought Planning and Mitigation |
2003 |
END InSight: El Niño-Drought Initiative |
2002 |
Southwest Climate Outlook (SWCO) |
2002 |
Tree-ring Reconstructions of Past Climate in the Southwest |
2000 |
Paleoclimate Tool - Tree-ring Reconstructions of SW Climate |
2000 |
Outreach & Collaboration - Presentations, Workshops, and Engagement |
1999 |
Ranching and Climate |
1999 |