The University of Arizona


All Publications

Title Year
SNOTEL Representativeness in the Rio Grande Headwaters on the Basis of Physiographics and Remotely Sensed Snow Cover Persistence 2006
Scaling Snow Observations from the Point to the Grid Element: Implications for Observation Network Design 2005
Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent in an Alpine Basin Using Binary Regression Tree Models: the Impact of Digital Elevation Data and Independent Variable Selection 2005
Integrated Assessment as a Step Toward Reducing Climate Vulnerability in the Southwestern United States 2004
Streamflow Estimation from Hydrologic Model Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Snow Information in Snowmelt Dominated Basins 2004
Estimating the distribution of snow water equivalent and snow extent beneath cloud cover in the Salt–Verde River basin, Arizona 2004
Verification of National Weather Service Ensemble Streamflow Predictions for Water Supply Forecasting in the Colorado River Basin 2003
Weather, Climate, and Hydrologic Forecasting for the U.S. Southwest: A Survey 2002
Confidence Builders: Evaluating Seasonal Climate Forecasts from User Perspectives 2002
The Climate Assessment Project for the Southwest: An Integrated Approach 2001
A Vertically Integrated Assessment of Climate Impacts on Water Supply in Arizona 2001
Seasonal Water Supply Forecast Performance: Issues and Evaluations 2000
Seasonal forecasts for water resources in the U.S.: Southwest applications and evaluations 2000
Weather, Climate, and Hydrologic Forecasting for the Southwest U.S. 1999
Advances in Seasonal Forecasting for Water Management in Arizona: A Case Study of the 1997-98 El Nino 1999