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Feldman, D. and K. Jacobs. 2008. Making decision-support information useful, useable, and responsive to decision-maker needs. A Report by the US Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center: Asheville, North Carolina: 101-140.

Garfin, G., H. Hartmann, M. Crescioni-Benitez, T. Ely, J. Keck, J. Kendrick, K. Legg, and J. Wise. Climate Friendly Park Employees: The intermountain region's climate change training assessment. Park Science 28(1):

Garfin, G., K. Jacobs, and J. Buizer, 2009. Climate Change Adaptation Lessons from the Land of Dry Heat. In Webb, R., and Semmens, D., eds., Planning for an uncertain future—Monitoring, integration, and adaptation. Proceedings of the Third Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5049: 292.

Garfin, G., K. Jacobs, and J. Buizer, 2008. Beyond Brainstorming: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation Strategies. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 89(25): 227.

Hartmann, H., 2008. Decision support for water resources management. In Macauley, M. (ed.) Uses and Limitations of Observations, Data, Forecasts, and Other Projections in Decision Support for Selected Sectors and Regions. A Report by the US Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. NASA Applied Science Program: Washington, DC: 45-55.

Jacobs, K., Garfin, G., Buizer, J., 2010. New Techniques at the Science-Policy Interface: Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector. Science and Policy, 36(10): 791-798. DOI: 10.3152/030234209X481969.

Mahmoud, M., Y. Liu, H. Hartmann, S. Stewart, T. Wagener, D. Semmens, R. Stewart, H. Gupta, D. Dominguez, F. Dominguez, D. Hulse, R. Letcher, B. Rashleigh, C. Smith, R. Street, J. Ticehurst, M. Twery, H. van Delden, R. Waldick, D. White, and L. Winter. 2009. A formal framework for scenario development in support of environmental decision-making. Environmental Modeling and Software 24(7): 798-808.

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McCarthy, P., C. Enquist, and G. Garfin, 2008. Mitigating Climate Change in the American Southwest. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 89(1): 3.

Neely, B., P. McCarthy, M. Cross, Enquist, C., G. Garfin, D. Gori, D. Hayward, and T. Schulz, 2010. Climate Change Adaptation Workshop for Natural Resource Managers in the Gunnison Basin: Summary. (Southwest Climate Change Initiative, December 2009 Workshop). Boulder: The Nature Conservancy: 45.